Laurel leaf essential oil organic 5 ml DOCTEUR VALNET

The bottle contains pure bio quality laurel leaf essential oil. More

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Product code 930 043

Price: 9,40 €  / 188,00 € za 100 ml

  • Bio
  • Vegan

Description and composition


Laurel leaf essential oil has a fresh, sweetly spicy aroma. It is used in aromatherapy to relieve digestive problems such as constipation or loss of appetite. It has a positive effect on the respiratory system - it facilitates breathing and helps with colds, upper airway inflammations and asthma. It relieves aching muscles and joints. At the mental level, it is used to increase energy and restore self-confidence.

High-quality essential oils of bio quality are widely used in households. You can typically use them in aroma lamps or diffusers. You can also add essential oil to a washing gel (for example, from soap nuts) to give you a pleasant scent instead of fabric softener. Dripped on a ceramic plate, it will serve as a freshener and absorber of unpleasant odours in the toilet, or to refresh a car interior.


100% pure oil (Laurel leaf noble - Laurus nobilis) *. * a product of controlled organic farming.


Docteur Valnet

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