Rýže*, kukuřičná mouka*, hrách žlutý*, sušená cibule*, směs zeleniny* 1%, (pastiňák*, karotka*, petržel*, petrželová nať*, pažitka*, libeček*), bramborové vločky*, jedlá mořská sůl. *produkt kontrolovaného ekologického zemědělství
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Agricultural production
We take the utmost care of the correctness and timeliness of product information on our website. However, food production regulations are constantly updated and therefore changes in the composition of foods, nutrients or allergens, dietary information, etc might occur. You should always read the label on the product and not rely solely on the information provided on the website.
This information is only for personal use and can not be reproduced in any way without the prior consent of Country Life, s.r.o., without proper source reference.